The temperature controlled warehouse is dedicated to the storage of foodstuffs and other sensitive to the temperature products. Such warehouse has a key role in the supply of the consumers with fresh products assuring the optimal warehouse and transport conditions.
The main role of the temperature controlled warehouse is to keep constantly the required temperature assuring that the goods will keep their quality during the whole period of storage. The strict temperature control in our warehouses is guaranteeing that your goods will keep their freshness and will be in conformity with the requirements for consumers use.
The temperature controlled warehouse meets all the high level standards for monitoring. The temperature and the humidity are constantly kept at the optimal level assuring the storage of your goods in an appropriate storage condition for fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, milk, dairy products and frozen goods.
In addition to the temperature control, our warehouse is equipped with systems for control of the humidity avoiding the condensation and assuring the optimal storage conditions. The most modern refrigerating system is allowing the equal cooling which is minimizing the risk of cold and warm points provoking damages to the sensitive goods.
The physical security of your goods is of upmost importance for us. Therefore, our warehouses are under constant video monitoring and access control systems keeping your goods constantly secured against illegal actions.
The efficient inventory management is also extremely important for the goods stored in temperature controlled warehouse. Our warehouse management system allows the traceability of the different lots of goods from the moment of their acceptance in the warehouse until the final exit of the goods. The latter assures the control over the movement of the goods and especially minimize the risk to have already expired goods still in the stock availability.
In our temperature controlled warehouse we are also providing additional services like sorting, packaging, as well as distribution of your goods. We are helping our clients to optimize their own operations and to reach higher efficiency in the supply chain.